Dr. Richard T. Braley

Associate Dean

College of Education

Texas A&M University - Kingsville, Texas

The HouseWife Wars
Batterer Characteristics Page


This is the list of batterer characteristics that was developed by the Domestic Violence Intervention Services, Inc., 4300 South Harvard, Suite 100, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74135-2608.  Italicized words are my additions. 


1. Batterers have a low self-worth.
Who cares?  It is their problem and they want you to fix it.
Batterers have difficulty trusting people.
And you can hear them tell you so if you listen to their words.
Batterers have a belief that emotional distress is caused by external factors. 
They do not accept responsibility for their own actions.
Batterers exhibit a lack of ability to nurture others.
These people are NOT the "wind beneath your wings."
Batterers strive to be the "perfect male."
In church work we have a serious problem with this.  Often, the batterer has risen in church service to a leadership role--pastor, deacon, elder, teacher--and, they are often supported in their battering by the silence of those in church who should  respond forcefully to the batterer but do not because they donate substantial sums to the church to buy silence.  As a bi-vocational Pastor, I have refused to remain silent and, although it has caused problems, I have never lost sleep at night because I allowed a batterer think I approved of his behavior.
Batterers fear loss of control. 
It only gets worse.  They will use any method of returning to a control relationship.  It usually happens like this.  A battered woman will come to the  church and I will help her find and get into a "safe house."  The husband will come and ask where she is and I must inform him that I cannot tell him that.  He will then say that all he wants to do is give her a check and I will ask him to write it  out and give it to me to give to her.  He will not do it saying he  wants to give it to her.  He will often threaten me to get me to tell him where she is located.  He will buy flowers to take to her.  He will send flowers to the church to be delivered to her by an accomplice who admires him for being the "perfect male."  He will denounce me to members of the congregation, administrators at the university where I teach or to neighbors in a community where I live.  I do not care.  He is trying to get to her to gain a control foothold.  I know that  and, now, you do also.
Batterers are out of touch with feelings other than anger.
You will rarely hear them laugh at funny things.
Batterers are not assertive and hold in emotions.
Until they get behind closed doors with a spouse or in a car with a girlfriend.  If a boss jumps the batterer for something he will not respond to the boss, he will wait and respond toward the victim who will try to figure out what she did to cause the battering.
Batterers appear to have dual personalities.
Some pastors have been lured into a sense of supporting the batterer because of the batterers behavior in front of the pastor.  I have known ministers who have told the battered wife--who is usually a newly married woman who has not learned that the battering is the goal of the husband, not resolution of what he calls "his problem"---to return to their husband and to try to do as the husband wishes.  All that minister is saying is, "Suffer the beatings like a good girl."  Horse feathers!  The veil is being pulled away from batterers and more and more men are realizing how they have been a tool of the batterer in maintaining a life-style that deprives his wife (girlfriend, fiancé) of the nobility of humanity.
Batterers are often extremely jealous and possessive.
You can spot this characteristic during the courting time (I know it is an ancient term but we need to bring it back into use).  The batterer will say something like this, "I love you so much, I just cannot stand seeing you talk to another man (or boy)."  Love does not have anything to do with this type of controlling behavior.  It is not love when someone must  control another person using statements like those.
Batterers are rigid.
It is their way or the highway.  Choose the highway while you still have time.
Batterers blame and are not able to assume responsibility for their actions.
Listen to them!  They will tell you they are a person who might be a batterer by telling you who is to blame for all of the misery they have suffered.  The batterer must get  the victim to agree with him.  The victim must be drawn into the control drama of the batterer or the battering cannot take place with a goal of making it happen over and over.
Batterers dislike and avoid conflict.
If the battering has been going on for some time, a confrontation might result in the  death of the victim.  It happens every year, somewhere, to someone.  Batterers kill people.  If the relationship has just begun you might stand a better chance of getting out of it if you respond to any hint of control as soon as it emerges.  Be careful.  Also, for me, this is my greatest tool to exercise when I simply inform the batterer that he is not talking to a hundred and forty pound woman who never learned to fight.
Batterers are unable to handle stress in constructive ways.
They are destructive and they will destroy a victim with a strategy that is well known by many of us with advanced degrees and employment activities bringing us into contact with them.
Batterers are socially isolated.
They do not want to go anywhere they will be recognized for what they are: A Batterer.  They do not want to go to a church social where they cannot control the victim.  They will not allow the victim to remain in social activities they cannot control.
Battering men come from all ages, ethnic and educational backgrounds.  Some are poor and some are wealthy.
Re-read number sixteen.  Oh, go ahead, read it three times.
Batterers often have conflicts with their spouse over parenting.
Usually the batterer will contrive situations he can use to his advantage.  "You never make the kids mind me," WHAP!  Or, "Why don't you let the kids alone.  They don't have to mind me all the time."  WHAP!  Batterers are liars and nothing they say will result in a situation where you are not beaten.  It is the act of beating they seek and they will find a way to justify it.  If the victim ever agrees to what they say, the victim is doomed.
Batterers are traditionalists, believing in male supremacy and stereotypical male and female sex roles.
Batterers report a high incidence of alcohol or drug abuse in their families of origin.
And they will say so if someone is  listening.
Many batterers witnessed violence between their parents or were victims of child abuse.
If they witnessed it they will say so.  If they were victims they will not.  At least, not until they need to use it to remain in control of the victim or to try to take control of a courtroom. Judges already know this and victims should learn it.  The main point is this: So what?
Batterers often have unrealistic expectations of marriage, believing it will provide permanence and security.  Batterers   believe the success of their marriage is the responsibility of their partner--if it doesn't work, it's her fault.
Isn't it sad that many girls and women actually believe the jerk.
Batterers respond with less attention to relevant social cues.
They are dense.  They do not read the body language or verbal hints other people drop.  I have tried to be tactful in dealing with what I perceived to be a batterer-victim relationship but I have discovered tact does not work.  So, forget the tact.  I make sure men know that I disapprove of battering. I intend to state my contempt for that type of  behavior from every forum given me.  I have received telephone calls from students, women in my church, pastor's wives, and people I have never met, telling me that the battering either slowed, stopped or that they have escaped.
Batterers over-attribute hostile behavior to others.
They blame the football game.  They say their co-worker caused them to become so enraged that they just snapped.  They do everything they can do to ignore this simple fact: They were the one who was hitting another human.
Batterers make up cues that did not happen.
"You winked at that other man."
"You know that look you gave me drives me into a rage."
"You cooked the meat too long."
"You didn't cook the meat long enough."

How do you protect yourself?  How do you protect your daughters or sisters or friends?  There is only one sure cure for a woman to acquire to create a situation where she can escape battering.  Get an education that will allow you to leave a battering relationship and still make a living.  Of all of the women I have helped in all of my roles, those who were trained to do a job or held an education that was marketable ESCAPED.  They did not need the batterers money!  Often, it was the other way around.  The batterer needed their money!  Let him starve.  To acquire the freedom an education gives you.  Please telephone or e-mail me, or any other faculty or administrator at Texas A&M University - Kingsville in Kingsville, Texas.




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