Dr. Richard T. Braley

Associate Dean

College of Education

Texas A&M University - Kingsville, Texas

The HouseWife Wars
Abusive Mate Page


Danger and Warning Signs of an Abusive Mate 

If you listen, a violence-prone boy or man will "tell you" he is prone to doing harm to you.  He will tell you he is a violent person, show you he is a violent person and prove to you he is a violent person.  Here are a dozen Danger and Warning Signs that the person you are with will force his will upon you, manipulate you and control you.

Jealousy - "I love you so much, I can't stand you looking at another person."
Home Life - He witnessed violence as a child and will tell you about it if you will listen.
Often, our problem is this: We are not THINKING about what a person is telling   us about themselves.  We are caught up in making sure the other person knows about   us, hears us, receives from us....and we lose because we failed to learn about them.
Hates mother: Listen to his words about his mother before marriage.  He will state that he has no respect for her.
Quick Temper: Low impulse control.  Watch him.  He will show it to you.
Substance Abuse: "I wouldn't have done it but I was drunk." 
What a whining, spoiled, violent brat.  This guy would use any excuse to get you to forgive him and let him hurt you again!
Rigid Role Expectations: women only fit one role.  Dependent, Submissive and Compliant.
Controlling: He rules the relationship.  The other persons point of view if never important and usually insulted publicly. (Young adult: THINK when you listen.)  He will never change and that is a fact you can take to the bank.
Dictatorial: Wants absolute control.  All of the time.  Over the smallest things.
Displaced Aggression: Finds fault with things that are not related to the problem at hand. 
Will always blame the car for running out of gas.  Will always blame the fire for burning the meat.  Will always blame you for being fired or being without...something he wanted.
Hitting Walls: throwing objects, name calling.
Temper tantrums are indicators of immaturity and an inability to grow up at the same time he is growing older.  Don't mess with it.
Jekyll-Hyde Personality: Observed, extreme mood swings. 
He is the "perfect man" around   a church or work place.  But when he gets home, he is a beast who batters the weakest people in the family.  That is, until they become strong.  But, by then, the children are warped and will act like him, or like you if you submit to such behavior.
Low Self Esteem: poor self image, putting others down, makes him feel good about himself. 
Again, it is foolish for the battered person to feel that she should help the batterer with his self esteem.  It is not her fault.  The only problem she has is in escaping.

HOW DO YOU ESCAPE?  By having an education so that you can find employment without the batterer around.  You can feed yourself, house yourself and find the joy of life that exists for you.   Contact Texas A&M University - Kingsville and discover your options.  If you have daughters who are going through the cycle of violence, make certain they visit a college, university or vocational-technical school where they will be given the power to be free: the Power of Employability. 

I have forgotten where I got this list.  I did not create it.




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