Dr. Richard T. Braley

Associate Dean

College of Education

Texas A&M University - Kingsville, Texas

Technology Main Page
Security Page


The most obvious difference between Security and Police work is this: The police investigate crimes and maintain order in society.  The security professional protects the assets of the client.  Our national security forces include the Secret Service and various intelligence agencies.  They care about crime, but their primary goal is to protect the assets of the client.  The client is the President of the United States for the Secret Service (they have related duties) and the financial solvency, individual liberties and national boundaries for the intelligence agencies. 

Technologists in security are a rare and necessary group of men and women with profound competencies and excellent loyalties.  They install, maintain, modify, inspect and repair such diverse security locations as the embassy's the United States has around the world, perimeters of military bases and defense installations (like submarine manufacturing industries) and other high tech activities. 

Private industry uses technologists in security to install video cameras in retail stores and thermal sensors in perimeter fences.  The prison industry of the United States is one of the fastest growing employment opportunities you can find and they--both private and public--hire technologists for the application of technology to security.  For prisons, the protection of the assets focuses upon the residents and citizens of the country, state, municipality and/or county where the crime occurred.
Homeland Security Advisory System
Homeland Security X

Security News Sources
-Daily Updates


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