4K Ranch

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Company Story

The 4K Conversion Company began when Isaac and Trista Knapton set out on a course to buy a new aluminum four horse trailer with living quarters large enough to fit their family of four.  What they learned on their shopping trip from one trailer lot to the next was that they would probably have to mortgage the Ranch to be able to afford what they wanted.  They never expected a horse trailer would cost more than a small house.

Their concern of cost versus value was solved by buying a four horse aluminum trailer and building the living quarters themselves.  This did not seem like a large task since the Knaptons have been owners of a midsize remodeling company in Oklahoma for years that specializes in everything from siding to bathroom remodels. 

Their first trailer was equipped with a full shower, air conditioner, radio and closets.  This was more than adequate to meet their needs and was built at a fraction of the $11,000 cost that was proposed to them by a local conversion company for the same features.  After hauling their new trailer for the next year to rodeos from Kansas to Texas and receiving compliments from people about the conversion, a new branch of their remodeling company was born:

4K Ranch

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